Interesting Facts about the NAAP

  1. The NAACP was organized in 1909.
  2. The founding city was New York.
  3. The NAACP is an interracial organization that works to advance the lot of blacks through legislation and litigation powers.
  4. Walter White was the first President
  5. Mary White Ovington, Ida B. Wells and Mary Church Terrell were the leading women of the NAACP.
  6. W.E.B. Du Bois was one of the organizers of the NAACP.
  7. The founding principle of the NAACP was the attainment of Civil Rights for black people.
  8. W.E.B. Du Bois was the first editor of the Crisis Magazine, which was a voice for the people.
  9. Roy Wilkins was the second editor of the Crisis Magazine and became The Executive Secretary of the NAACP in 1955 succeeding Walter White. He left the organization in 1977.
  10. Thurgood Marshall, an attorney for the NAACP, won the landmark case, Brown vs. The Board of Education in 1954.
  11. Thurgood Marshall, who was the leading attorney for the NAACP, was appointed to the Supreme Court.
  12. The NAACP played a major role in the planning of the historic March on Washington in 1963.
  13. The NAACP was at the forefront initiating litigation in matters of school desegregation in Alabama, Arkansas and other southern states in the 1950's.
  14. The NAACP organized, directed, and supported Voter Registration Protest Marches where voting rights were denied to blacks.
  15. The NAACP had a pivotal role in pressing for the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.
  16. Medgar Evers, NAACP Field Representative for the state of Mississippi, was killed in Jackson, Mississippi in 1963.
  17. Attorney Constance Baker Motley, a legal assistant of the NAACP, handled the James Meredith case against the University of Mississippi.
  18. The NAACP's Nation Office is located in Baltimore, Maryland.
  19. Attorney Cornell Williams Brooks is the newly elected president of the NAACP.
  20. Attorney Cornell Williams Brooks is the 19th president of the organization.
  21. The Spingarn Award is the highest NAACP honor given to an individual for outstanding achievement.
  22. The NAACP has a long and profound history of providing legal representation to the underprivileged, the deprived, the denied, and the disfranchised.
  23. The NAACP works tirelessly to ensure that people are treated equally and fairly in the American Justice System.